Sunday, November 22, 2009

Fight for Preemies

Lately I have been overwhelmed with the thoughts of how blessed we are that both of our little girls are doing so well. They arrived so very early at 28 weeks of gestation and had such a tough road. After surviving heart surgery with Renna, rectal biopsies with Reagan, and in general over two months of needles, IVs and machines in the NICU, we count ourselves very very blessed. It reminds you of how life can change in an instant. Our day had started like a regular summer Thursday and before we knew it I was in labor and we were racing to the hospital...four hours later our girls were fighting for their lives. We have, with God's miraculous blessing, survived and triumphed. I now often say to Adam that I feel like "our cup runneth over." I don't know why God chose this journey for our little girls or for us, but I do know that every minute was worth it when I hold my little sweethearts in my arms. Even though I complain about house arrest I must say any and every day at home is better than two seconds in the NICU. I have been thinking alot about the other babies that we met while we were there and of course the ones that we saw who lost their fight. Some babies weren't premature but were born with congenital problems and are facing a lifetime of surgery and illness. It makes me never take one second for granted. I know there are many babies all over the country who are in the NICU now over the holidays. Adam and I were just talking today about how tough it would be to be spending your babies first thanksgiving and Christmas in that awful place while your child/children fight for their lives. So as I have been doing all of this thinking lately, I decided I want to give back and get involved with the March of Dimes. As it turns out this month is Prematurity Awareness month. Over 540,000 babies are born each year in the US as preemies. Only a small one percent are born by week 28 or before. Of course we fell into that one percent. Anyways please visit the March of Dimes website and help in the fight for preemies. I am not exactly sure how I am going to get involved yet but I will be posting more information soon. I did send an email they already have written for you about increasing funding for research into prematurity. If you feel moved please email your congressmen as well. I will try not to turn this post into a political platform, just wanted everyone to know what has been on my heart lately. Please remember all the sick babies and children out there in the hospital who will be spending their holidays in the hospital. Say an extra prayer for them and their families. Makes you want to hug your little ones a little tighter. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!