Reagan gets ready for the ride home!
We got great news this morning that Reagan could come! I was elated but also had to scramble to get her car seat for the car seat challenge test and make arrangements for Adam to get off of work so we could get her home. After they get me all excited and I run home to get some things I get back up to the hospital and they inform me they want to check her blood count one last time before she goes home. You guessed it....her levels were low so she then had to get another blood transfusion (her fourth). So in the end we thought we would get to bring her home this afternoon but it ended up being 7:45pm before we got her home tonight! Reagan did great in the car aside from a little crying. She decided she wanted to stay awake the whole trip home and make grunting and whining noises. We got a good laugh out of how different the girls are in the car, as Renna didn't make a peep and slept the whole time. We are so excited to have our little family of four under one roof for the first time tonight. The girls seemed uninterested in seeing each other, much to mommy's disappointment. I guess I had visions of them wanting to hold each others hands and kiss and hug! They kind of looked at each other and then went to sleep. Well, Renna went to sleep and Reagan continued to squeak and move around like she always does. So we are officially done with the NICU after 61 days!! I can't tell you how excited we are to not be going up to that hospital tomorrow. I plan on staying home all day with my little girls. I am sure there won't be time for much else besides diapering, feeding, pumping, rocking, and repeating all that again. I am up for the challenge and just feel so blessed to finally have them home. Both grandmas will be pitching in to help this week and we are very grateful to have their assistance. We will try to keep you all posted but it may be awhile depending on how well adjusted we all get.