Adam took these pictures of the girls in our front yard. I think he did a great job! Of course he had some very beautiful babies to work with. The girls were fascinated with the daffodils.

We spent Saturday at my parents house. It was a beautiful day for coloring Easter Eggs and some fun on the farm. This is their first time meeting their cousins (my sister's kids): Reagan, Sara, Renna, and Gage. The four of them had such a great time together. The girls were really fascinated by their first time seeing other little people who move and talk!

The girls got to sit on Tilly, the family guard donkey. We didn't really walk or move around but they seemed to like sitting there. I think this will be the first of many rides. It makes their momma proud!

We got to feed the chickens.The girls really enjoyed watching them. Sara even picked one up for them so they got an up close view! My grandma's sister was also down for a visit so we also got to enjoy some time with Aunt Florice.

The four cousins together at last with their Grandma and Great Grandma. Don't they look cute?

Our first family Easter was also our first trip to church. We really enjoyed seeing all our friends from church. The girls did really well sitting with us through Sunday school and then services. We were very proud of them. They didn't have any major stranger danger meltdowns so that was a huge success. Hopefully we weren't too distracting to everyone. Adam and I were more exhausted than the girls were once we got home.

After church Sunday we had lunch and spent some time with Adam's family. The girls got to meet their other cousins for the first time (Adam's sister's kids) Isaac, Renna, Avery, and Reagan.
So as you can see we broke out of quarantine in a big way. We had an exhausting weekend and realized we will soon have to become more flexible with our strict schedule if we want to enjoy more outings. We really enjoyed being together with our families for the first time since the girls had been born. We look forward to many more family get together. The girls have so much to learn from their older cousins. We have worried a lot about the girls getting sick once they got out and of course 24 hours later they were sick! So we have been struggling a little this week and trying to recover from a viral upper respiratory bug. I have gotten it as well and I am sure Adam is soon to follow. I guess we knew it was inevitable but had hoped to at least get a good week of fun in before the illness. We did get 48 hours of fun and we loved every minute. The doctor tested the girls for the dreaded RSV and it was negative. What an answered prayer. They seem to be feeling much better today and are no longer running fevers. Hopefully this doesn't slow us down for too long. The immune systems are now hard at work. You never know what we might be up to next. Renna is now doing the army crawl so she is keeping me on my toes. We will keep you posted.