It seems weird to be posting this now when it is 75 degrees outside. We are definitely not complaining about the rapid change in temperature. About two weeks ago we finally got to get the girls out and do a little snow sledding at Grammy and Papa's house. I was a little concerned they would hate it but they actually had a great time. Here are a few pictures of the snow fun.

Renna getting ready to check out the snow. She was a little unsure at first.

I love this one of Reagan and her huge smile! This is an action shot of them going down the hill. She wasn't scared at all.

Daddy giving the big push off. He was so proud of his brave girls. They hung on really well.

Grammy and the girls playing with a snowball. They just wanted to eat it of course. I guess the snow ice cream we made earlier could have put that idea in their head.

Here we are getting all suited up to go out. I guess I posted a little out of order. We wanted to say thanks to our two sisters for giving us some hand-me-down snow suits and boots so we didn't have to buy any. We love all the hand-me-down clothes!

I just had to post this picture of our little Reagan reading the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association! She grabbed it and just had to have it in her highchair with her. She obviously needed to catch up on the latest in veterinary research...it is always good to keep yourself informed of the latest medical breakthroughs! I guess she is just a little veterinarian in training. Now I need to get her a little practical experience at the clinic to go along with her research reading!